Diabetes is a widespread condition affecting all age groups. While there is currently no cure for diabetes, the condition can be effectively managed with medication, controlled diet and regular exercise.
Gestational Diabetes can occur when the hormones from the placenta block the action of the mother’s insulin in her body. This is called Insulin Resistance, which in turn leads to high Glucose levels in the body.
Our diabetes care program helps with the following:
- Understand the disease and what causes it to have greater or lesser impact on an individual’s health and well-being
- Know-how to monitor the disease and what to do when levels aren’t in the desired range
- Medication management
- Lifestyle and nutrition education
- Appropriate exercise regimen
- Educate the patient to watch for signs that their diabetes might be having a negative impact on skin or nerve feeling
- Liaise with the primary physician and provide necessary medical care as and when required